Sunday 6 January 2013

Reasons to lose weight

So the first thing I thought I'd do to be a motivator is to write a list of reasons to lose weight.

  1. The obvious one: Health!! OK, so apart from back problems I have no actual weight related illnesses but on the other hand, I'm only 25 and I'm going the right way about having them in the future. I'm what's known as pre-hypertensive, so while I've not got high blood pressure it's on the higher end of the 'normal' scale. Also my weight is mostly round the middle, so that doesn't help. It's best to lose weight whilst I'm in good(ish) health than to get health problems then really struggle to lose a little. 
  2. I want to walk into any clothes shop and just pick things off the rack, no more fat girls clothing store or walking into a straight size store and seeing if they have my size before seeing if I actually like the garment or not. I'd like to walk into H&M and Forever21 and buy their clothes without worrying about size all the time.
  3. I want to run the Reading Half Marathon in 2014, so better get started now!
  4. I graduate from uni in October 2014 and I want to buy an amazing outfit, look good and have great photos. It's an important event so I want to look my best.
  5. I want those "oh my, have you lost weight? You look amazing" comments. 
  6. I want to know that if it came down to it, I'd be able to win the Hunger Games. Weird one, I know but I'm obsessed with those books (not yet seen the movie).
  7. I have bet on with my boyfriend on who can lose 56lbs first, I want to win £50 and dinner!!
  8. I want to be able to buy a bikini and wear it by the pool or at the beach with lots of confidence.
  9. I don't want to get 6 months down the line and regret giving up, thinking "I could have been so manys lbs lighter by now".
  10. I want to have lots more energy to be able to do more things, right now I just don't feel fit enough
So those are just some of the reasons I'm doing this. I just need to remind myself everyday!!

Lindsay xx

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