Sunday 6 January 2013

My weight loss mission to lose 89lbs


So here I am, another new year and another attempt to lose the extra weight. I think I've tried plenty of times but I seem to give up after just a few weeks. Why? Well firstly when I usually start I am over-enthusiastic, I go to the gym and will work my ass off and go insane, the result? I lose about 14lbs but acquire an injury or start to plateau, so I end up thinking, "f*** this" and give up. There's another thing, I deprive myself too, research has shown that people who allow themselves small amounts of what they like tend to do better at losing weight and keeping it off. Last year I went 5 weeks without chocolate, I love chocolate, especially Lindt. They got the Lindor by Lindt mini easter eggs in shops now. I'd happily eat about 5 of those a day. No kidding. 5!! I also am crap with portion control, and I tend to wolf things down. I better not forget to mention that I love a good drink, find it hard to resist a glass of Sauvignon Blanc. My birthday is in January, I usually don't go out to celebrate until Feb though, normally the downfall of any New Year plan. So yeah, I have all the makings of a fatty there. Large portions, choccy snacks, large glass of vino and can only be arse to exercise when I feel like it.

So what's my plan now? Well, firstly I need to get over the first hurdle - will my new plan make it past February? Like most dieters, I tend to last 5 weeks before giving up. So I need something to take me to March 2013 and beyond. I'm also writing a blog. Yup. It helps to just write down my thoughts, ideas and motivation. Then once I get through March it's to keep on going. I guess what I really need is a lifestyle change, as opposed to a diet, something I can sustain for life. So no grapefruit diets here. I have also signed up to do a 10k race in the summer that I'll need to train for. Oh and I'm walking a marathon in May (Moonwalk in London).

So here's what I'm planning to do:

  • I have MyFitnessPal, Endomondo and FitBit accounts and I intend to use them, they're handy as apps because I carry my iPhone 4S with me all the time. I was considering joining a Slimming World group but I don't want to end up spending so much money when all the support I need is on my phone for free. 
  • I am going to stick to low fat foods or low GI foods, less of the saturated fats etc for me. I'm also going to measure out my portions better. I measured out some cereal this morning, 50g was a lot less than I imagined.
  • I'm aiming to exercise 30 minutes, 5 days a week at least, maybe more on some days. I got a fantastic pair of running shoes, going to get more wear out of them!
  • Constantly remind myself why I'm doing this, I will keep an update of how I do this! I think this will be the fun part.
  • Keep this blog as up to date as possible.
So there you have it, my first post. I hope I can do it this time.

Mission Minus 89lbs has begun.

Lindsay xx

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